JL Mecanic Auto Service and Oto Expertiz Joomla4-5 Template

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Created: Nov 22, 2022

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

ID: 296057

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JL Mecanic Auto Service and Oto Expertiz Joomla4-5 Template - Features Image 1JL Mecanic Auto Service and Oto Expertiz Joomla4-5 Template - Features Image 2JL Mecanic Auto Service and Oto Expertiz Joomla4-5 Template - Features Image 3JL Mecanic Auto Service and Oto Expertiz Joomla4-5 Template - Features Image 4JL Mecanic Auto Service and Oto Expertiz Joomla4-5 Template - Features Image 5

Auto service is the most sought after and rescuer sector in emergencies, with its ready-made auto service website, you can get rid of emergencies. Enabling customers to reach you is important for your industry. All individuals now have computers, tablets and smartphones. During this period, intermediaries conduct research on the internet on behalf of the required service.

If your auto service does not have a website, we can say that you are losing. Not only as a website, but also that this website is active.is also important. People trying to reach you cannot reach your website or if your website is under construction, it is still yours. it leads to your job loss and your competitors to take the job from you. Creating a new website is quite costly and time-consuming. Its a demanding job. Every company wants the business it opens to make a profit. This is something to expect when you take no action.is not. Having a website is important for people to find you. Oto-Pratic website saves time and expense in this regard. and saves advertising costs.

With these features, your site content will be fully equipped and indistinguishable from your competitors. Your customers auto with the visuals of your service, the about us section where you include your experiences, and the services module you have performed. they will have the opportunity to get to know you without seeing you. With customer reviews, they will trust you and have the opportunity to get to know your team. You can easily use the Oto-Pratic service maintenance website package through the joomla administration panel, and you can share your website with anyone. You can manage it yourself, without the need for personnel costs.

Note: Images, Texts, Slogans, Clips, Videos and Mp3s on the site do not have a political or commercial meaning; They are published in good faith only. All our customers who purchase our theme can continue to use the Images, Texts, Slogans, Mp3s, Videos, Clips and all promotional images on the site free of charge for life in the themes they purchased...

Who is suitable for:

-Auto Expertise Dealers

-Engine Mechanical Control Services

-Paint Body Control Services

-Auto Tire, Brake Suspension Services

-Car Interior Exterior Decor Maintenance and Repair Services

-Car Wash Services

-Auto Showrooms

• Differentiate As You Wish With The Drag And Drop Method.

• 10 Awesome Demo Homepages

• Great Visual Animation Title Image Area (Not available elsewhere)

• 3 Awesome Hotspot Images

• 5 Great Service Demo Pages

• 3 Demo Our Dealers

• 7 Demo Before / After

• 7 Demo Pricing Table

• 3 Awesome About Us Pages

• 2 Great Contact Pages

• 3 Demo Photo Gallery,

• 8 Different Color Schemes

• Moreover; Portfolio, Our Team, Prices, Appointment, Videos Page, Sponsor Blog

Multipurpose JT Instagram Feed Joomla Module (Save $9.99) included.

-Multipurpose Yendif Video Gallery Pro (Save $99.99) included.

-SP Page Builder 5 Pro Integration. (Save $59.99) included.

• Helix Ultimate 2

• 100% Mobile Responsive

• Wide And Boxed Version

• IE9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome - And more!


23 04,2024

  • Joomla has been upgraded to 4.4.3 and 5.1.0
  • Sp Page Builder has been upgraded to 5.3.0
  • Akeeba Backup package has been upgraded to v.9.9.2
  • Yendif Video Gallery Pro
  • JT Carosel Yendif V1.5 has been upgraded v3.0.9

14 04,2024

  • Joomla has been upgraded to 4.4.3 and 5.0.3
  • Akeeba Backup package has been upgraded to v.9.9.0
  • JT Content Slider has been upgraded v3.0.9
  • Helix Ultimate has been upgraded to 2.0.18
  • Sp Page Builder has been upgraded to 5.2.9
  • Sp simple portfolio v2.0.8
  • Speasyimagegallery has been upgraded v2.0.4
  • JT Carosel Yendif V1.5 has been upgraded v3.0.9

20 01,2024

  • Joomla has been upgraded to 4.4.2 and 5.0.2
  • Akeeba Backup package has been upgraded to v.9.8.4
  • JT Content Slider has been upgraded v3.0.9
  • Helix Ultimate has been upgraded to 2.0.18
  • Sp Page Builder has been upgraded to 5.2.5
  • Sp simple portfolio v2.0.7
  • Speasyimagegallery has been upgraded v2.0.3

23 11,2023

  • Joomla has been upgraded to 4.4.0 -Joomla has been upgraded to 5.0.0
  • Akeeba Backup package has been upgraded to v.9.8.1
  • Helix Ultimate has been upgraded to 2.0.15
  • Sp Page Builder has been upgraded to 3.8.10
  • Sp simple portfolio v2.0.7
  • Speasyimagegallery has been upgraded v2.0.3
  • JT Content Slider has been upgraded v2.9.9

07 07,2023

-Joomla has been upgraded to 4.3.2 -Sp Page Builder has been upgraded to 3.8.10 -Helix Ultimate has been upgraded to 2.0.13 -Sp simple portfolio v2.0.7 -Speasyimagegallery has been upgraded v2.0.2 -Akeeba Backup package has been upgraded to v.9.6.1

23 11,2022

-Fixed non-mobile compatible pages -Quick install package and demo package made compatible

2 Reviews for this product

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This is the worst ever way to get a websidte up and running, give me HTML template any day. There is no decent instruction with the template, you are provided with 100's of folders and files but there no clear instruct on how it all work together with template you purchased. so you are left with lots of files not knowing how to install the site. 0 out of 5
Thank you for your comment. Themes are tested and debugged before they go on sale. If there was a problem or an error in the quick installation package, it would not be approved. If there is an error with the theme you purchased, a broken link, a non-working page or a broken plug-in, this problem is caused by us and we are ready to solve it. You can get help by sending a screenshot to us, but you may not have knowledge about Joomla installation or your server may not support it, so it's very sad that you have to pay the price for this by commenting negatively on our theme and giving it 1 star, and I don't remember that we did anything to deserve this. I am writing to help you from the very beginning of our conversations. The problem is not an error arising from the theme you received from me. The problem is that you cannot install Joomla...
Thank you for your comment. Themes are tested and debugged before they go on sale. If there was a problem or an error in the quick installation package, it would not be approved. If there is an error with the theme you purchased, a broken link, a non-working page or a broken plug-in, this problem is caused by us and we are ready to solve it. You can get help by sending a screenshot to us, but you may not have knowledge about Joomla installation or your server may not support it, so it's very sad that you have to pay the price for this by commenting negatively on our theme and giving it 1 star, and I don't remember that we did anything to deserve this. I am writing to help you from the very beginning of our conversations. The problem is not an error arising from the theme you received from me. The problem is that you cannot install Joomla...
Muy buena plantilla,, tiene muchas variantes para todos los gustos y se agradece mucho que el soporte es muy bueno. Son rapidos en contestar, concretos y amables. Los modulos y los componentes son de primera calidad y todo incluido, la verdad estoy muy satisfecho ya que desde la instalación me asistieron y hasta el momento han resueltos mis dudas y los problemas tecnicos que se me han presentado. Seguro no será la ultima platilla que comprare del desarrollador joomlalovecom
Thank you very much for your opinions... I always try to help as much as I can...

0 Comments for this product

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Customer Support

4.6 /5
Support rating (11 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 10 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


Joomla Builder:

Joomla! Compatibility:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:

Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: