Start your own SaaS business in minutes, with our Laravel-based SaaS Boilerplate theme based on Stripe, Resend and Laravel for the backend operations, in minutes!
Magnun is a robust and flexible administration theme, designed to provide an intuitive and comprehensive experience. With many UI components, Magnun offers a complete solution
Plug - Tailwind CSS Admin & Dashboard Template stands as a versatile Admin and Webapp UI Kit, leveraging the Utility-first CSS framework TailwindCSS v3.
Some special features: Responsive for all devicesDark mode availableMulticolor selectionSuperfast speed
Datta able Angular admin templates is completely flexible dashboard template to use in your project.
Gloos – Angular 12+ Admin and Starter TemplateGloos is a module-based, multi-layout Angular admin template featuring custom-made Application and Page layouts with beautifully crafted, clean &...
Adkit is an admin panel which was built on top of Next.js and inspired by Zoho. All the UI/UX are supported by Ant Design.
Doshtan - Project Management Admin Dashboard Bootstrap 5 Template is a project management system with a clean design & the perfect choice for administrators, company managers, projects managers,...
Embrace the future of design with our minimalist, multi-purpose and clean UI template for Angular 18+ with standalone components.
Get a modern, responsive HTML admin dashboard template with Bootstrap 5.3, dark mode, eCommerce pages & unique UI components.
TaskNest – Kanban Board Tailwind CSS Admin & UI Kit is a modern and flexible template designed for efficient web application development. it offers a seamless, customizable foundation for Admin.
Reaxy - Interactive React TS Material Design Admin Template. Reaxy is not only a dynamic and interactive material design admin template but also a robust.
It is a sophisticated template well suited for web apps or any other website or project that requires a professional admin dashboard.
Chatflix - Chat App Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template - is Clean and Modern Chat App Template, has Dark Mode, and Comprehensive Documentation.
WindDash - Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Layout Template is an all-encompassing Admin and Webapp UI Kit meticulously crafted for Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard HTML Template